Mangawhai Bowls Inc
 Minutes of the Executive meeting held 5.30pm 12 December 2016
Present: R Hollingsworth, A Stebben, R Heaton, T Cornish, A Gibbs (non voting)
Apologies: J Colvine, N Howard
Minutes of the previous meeting 7 November 2016
These were read & confirmed                          R Hollingsworth/ R Heaton
Matters arising:
  • Website – still need to work on contributions, especially obtaining competition results
  • New rink numbers – expected within 2 weeks. Delay due to earthquake transport problems
  • Missing Bidvest invoice now found
  • Handicap updates completed
  • Chartered Clubs constitution request terms of reference. Nothing yet from Club Exec.
  • Black scoreboards – no progress due to M Heaton’s health
  • Email exchange from Poynton Retirement Village & J Colvine re a social bowls visit. JC suggests a Saturday in Feb/March as caterers will be operating however a normal Sunday roll-up would ensure our members turn up in sufficient numbers. Leave in JC hands
  • Invitation 4’s sponsorship thank you letters to M Jacques, G Lane, D Wech of Adams Trimmer & S Hunt of Bidvest
It was moved & seconded that the Inwards correspondence be received and the outward approved                                            R Heaton/ A Stebben
Financial report:
  • Carol Neal’s report was received and 13 invoices approved for payment R Hollingsworth/R Heaton
  • Cheque account balance is in a healthy state at present
  • A Stebben noted that the A & B green shelters need repair or replacement due to severe rusting on support steel. This is a chartered club financial responsibility. A Stebben to take it up with G Mackenzie
Match committee report:
  • Men’s 2 day 4’s – 22 entries (would have been more but for clash with some clubs scheduling their Champs). Thanks to C Wintle for raising teams. Format & Jokers went down well. Should get a larger field next year
  • Club handicap pairs – 32 entries Winners R Hollingsworth and Kiwi Stewart (new bowler)
  • Hams & Lambs 20 Dec- 19 Mangawhai teams, 20 visiting teams at present. Max 40 teams. Format 5 rounds, every team gets a bye
  • Lambs & Hams 22 Dec- Approx 70 individuals so far. Will play triples. N Howard will help with draw & cards.
  • Junior classic 27 Dec- 16 teams so far. P Freeman trying to get another 2. JC will run the tournament as G Mulligan has pulled out. Some of the exec have volunteered, give name to JC
  • Non-bowler day 29 Dec- R Heaton well ahead with publicity. Rob Pooley again sponsoring costume prizes. Need to sort out bowls sets, suggests 9.30am Wed 21 Dec – AG, AS & TC will help. Carol Neal & John Crocker will do registrations. Help need during play
  • Mixed pairs 3 Jan- Max 40 teams. JC will add outside entries to our list
  • Future tournaments-                                                                                             + Presidents Invitation 4’s 2 March, Invitations need to be sent out- ask John Ballard & Dundee Henwood re procedure, letters, contacts.
+ Charity Triples 5 April- Coordinate with MWB
+ Magical Mangawhai 5-7 May- Are our nominees being involved?                      T Cornish, D Henwood respond please
  • J Ballard please confirm Business House bowls final night
General Business:
  • Getting match results for memo & Website is problematical. Centre results are on the centre website. Team managers & /or skips should be tasked with this.
  • 1-5’s did well in the recent Centre regional tournament
  • J Colvine needs trained back-up in all aspects. Ideally let the back run a few tournaments with JC remaining in the background
  • AS suggested/requested AG be co-opted as secretary so he can participate in the Exec debates. AG to consider & will talk to John Ballard about splitting the function
Next meeting 5.30pm 9 January 2017
There being no further business the meeting finished at 6.30pm



Allan StebbenDec 2016 Minutes