14 APRIL 2018


(This is a copy and not to be considered the official document) signed ATS

In this Constitution unless the context otherwise requires;
“Bowls NZ” means Bowls New Zealand Incorporated.
“Centre” means the Bowls Northland Inc or if the context requires, any other Bowling Centre which is a member of Bowls NZ.
“Club” means the Mangawhai Bowls incorporated, or if
The context requires, any other Bowling Club which, is a member of a Centre and is affiliated to Bowls NZ.
“Delegate” means a Full Member qualified under the Constitution of Bowls NZ to act as a representative of a Club at Centre level.
“Executive” means the Executive Committee of the Club.
“Full Member” shall have the meaning set out in Clause 4 of this Constitution.
“Game of Bowls” means the game played on outdoor or indoor fiat greens and defined in more detail by the Laws of the Game and Associated Regulations.
“Judicial Committee” means the body established under that name and having the functions as outlined in the Constitution of Bowls NZ.
“Laws of the Game and Associated Regulations” means the laws for playing the Game of Bowls in New Zealand and Associated
Regulations as approved by the Council of Bowls NZ from time to time.
“Officers” mean those officers of the Club described in Clause 6.2.
2.1 Name: The name of the Club shall be the “MANGAWHAI BOWLS INCORPORATED”.
2.2 Office: The registered office of the Club shall be situated at MOLESWORTH DRIVE, MANGAWHAI HEADS.
The Objectives of the Club are to:—
a) Promote good fellowship and foster the game of bowls for members and other interested persons.
b) Promote, organise, regulate, hold and conduct tournaments, matches, competitions, games and other events, and give, provide or contribute towards trophies and prizes.
c) Acquire or purchase, or raise sums of money to hire or otherwise any real or personal property which may be considered necessary as the Members in General Meeting consider proper or expedient in accomplishing the object and well being of the Club members.
d) Use the funds of the Club for, and do all things as may be incidental and conducive to the attainment of the foregoing objects or any of them.
e) From time to time lease the land, buildings, chattels including two lawn bowling greens and any other facility for the operation as a Chartered Club provided that:-
I. That the entire complex and facilities are maintained to the complete satisfaction Of the Bowling Club.
II. The use of the complex by the Chartered Club will not detrimentally affect the use of the facilities by the Bowling Club.
f) Co-operate with the Executive of the Mangawhai Club (Incorporated) and to further the best interests of both Clubs.
4.1 Classes of Membership.
a. The membership of the Club shall consist of such numbers in each of the classes thereof as the Executive shall from time to time determine
b. The Classes of membership of the Club upon the adoption of this Constitution are as follows:
Shall be entitled to all the playing and other privileges of Full Membership of the Club.
Any Full Member of not less than ten years membership who has rendered outstanding services to the Club may be elected as a Life Member. Every proposal for a Life Membership shall first be considered by the Executive and if approved by it, submitted to a ballot at a General Meeting. A three-fourths majority of those Full Members present and entitled to vote thereon shall be necessary to effect such election. A Life Member shall not be liable for payment of any annual subscription.
Any Full Member of any other Club affiliated to Bowls NZ shall be eligible for election as an Associate Member of this Club.
School Students and one who is in Tertiary education.
b. Only Full Members and Life Members shall be entitled to speak and vote at Meetings and to hold office in the Club.
4.2 Applications for Membership.
a. Applications for membership shall be in writing addressed to the Secretary and in making such application the applicant shall be deemed to have agreed to be bound by this Constitution and by the Constitution of the Centre and Bowls NZ.
b. Every candidate for admission to membership of the Club shall be proposed and seconded by two Full Members of the Club, both of whom personally know the candidate.
c. The application shall be in writing addressed to the Secretary setting forth on the form provided the full name of the candidate, their address and occupation, the class of membership to which he/she desires admission and such particulars as the form may require, and shall be signed by the candidate and their proposer and seconder.
d. After particulars of the application have been posted on the Club notice Board for not less than seven days, the candidate shall be submitted to election under paragraph 4.2h.
e. The membership application form shall include an acknowledgment by the applicant that as a condition of membership of the Club, the applicant consents pursuant to the Privacy Act 1993 to personal information in the form of their name and residential address, office held (if necessary) and telephone number (if necessary) being included in a membership list for display in the Clubhouse and/or circulation to the members and included in the annual statistical return supplied by the Club to the Centre for one or more of the following purposes:
1. The Centre’s Membership records including Centre Levy purposes
2. For publication and distribution in the Centre handbook (if necessary)
3. For distribution by the Centre pursuant to arrangements entered into with sponsors
4. For forwarding to Bowls NZ for its records including capitation fee purposes and/or for distribution by Bowls NZ pursuant to arrangements entered into with sponsors.
f. If the application form omits to include the acknowledgement
referred to in sub-clause (d) or if the acknowledgement is unsigned
then it shall be the duty of the Proposer, Seconder, and Secretary
of the Club to ensure that the applicant is made aware of this
provision of the Constitution.
g. Where an applicant is, or has been previously, a member of another
Bowling Club affiliated to Bowls NZ, the Executive shall require the
production of a Clearance Certificate on the approved form from
such Club, before the candidate is submitted to election.
h. The election shall be by the Executive and may be by show of
hands, but shall be by ballot if so required by one Member of
the Executive
i. The Executive shall have the power to reduce the first annual
Subscription of any Full Member elected after the 1st day of January
in any Club year.
j. The Executive shall have the power to reduce the Subscriptions
for School Students up to and including the age of 18 years of age.
4.3 Termination of Membership
a. Any Member shall be desirous of ceasing to be such, he/she shall give notice in writing to the Secretary who, after acceptance by the Executive of such resignation, shall at once inform the Member, but the Executive shall not accept the resignation until all moneys due to the Club by the Member in their capacity as a Member shall have been paid.
b. The Secretary shall give to any Financial Member whose resignation is so accepted, or on request, a Clearance Certificate on the approved form.
c. All resignations shall be in the hands of the Secretary 14 days prior to the commencement of the season. In the absence of such notice Members will be liable for the current year’s subscription unless reasons satisfactory to the Executive are given.
d. If any Member shall make default in payment of their subscription and other (if any) moneys due by them to the Club for a period of one month after written Notice requiring them to pay the same shall have been given to them by the Secretary, the Executive shall have power to determine their membership and to report them to the Centre as a defaulter, but such Member shall not thereby be relieved from liability to pay such moneys.
4.4 Expulsion or Suspension from Membership.
a. Shall on receiving a written complaint or may on its own initiative, take the matter into consideration and notify the Member of the complaint.
b. If after the Member concerned has been heard (if he/she so desires), their conduct shall be deemed by the Executive to be contrary to this Constitution, or inconsistent with the character, welfare or interests of the Club, or such as to render them unfit to associate with Members of the Club, the Executive shall have power, by a majority decision of its number present at the meeting, to expel or otherwise deal with the offending Member, or to suspend them for so long as the Executive shall think fit. In the event of expulsion or suspension the Centre shall be immediately notified.
c. If such Member shall feel aggrieved by the decision of the Executive, he/she may within seven days after being notified thereof, appeal there from by notice in writing to the Secretary and thereupon within ten days a Special General Meeting shall be convened at which a report shall be presented by the Executive, the Member concerned heard and the matter determined by Ballot. A majority of those valid votes cast by Full Members present (excluding Members of the Executive whose decision is subject to appeal) shall be required to carry any motion either to confirm the action of the Executive or determine otherwise and the Centre shall be notified of the decision of the Club. Pending the hearing of any appeal by any Member to the Centre or Judicial Committee, any penalty or suspension shall not be operative until final adjudication thereon.
4.5 Disciplinary Committee.
a) Mangawhai Bowls Inc acknowledges the role and jurisdiction of Bowls NZ Judicial Committee as specified in rule 24 of the NZ Bowls Constitution.
b) There shall be a Disciplinary Committee to be appointed as necessary by the Executive. The Disciplinary Committee shall consist of three Members of the Club, at least one of whom shall not be a Member of the Executive. Each member shall not be an employee of the club or a person who has an interest in the matter before the judicial committee. If possible one or more member should have significant experience in disciplinary tribunals preferably in relation to bowls and/or an extensive knowledge of the game of bowls. In the event of a vacancy on the Disciplinary Committee the Executive shall have power to appoint another Member to fill such vacancy.
c) Appeals Any party affected by a decision by the Disciplinary Committee may only appeal such decision to a regional Judicial Committee” and “Where there is a dispute or misconduct which is determined by the Bowls NZ Judicial Committee, any party affected by the decision may only appeal such decision to the Sports Tribunal in accordance with the rules of the Sports Tribunal provided such an appeal is permitted by the rules of the particular event.
d) The Disciplinary Committee shall have power to consider any matter that may be referred to it from time to time by the Executive which relates in any way to the maintenance of good order and discipline within the Club and after making such inquiries as it thinks fit the Disciplinary Committee shall make a recommendation to the Executive in respect of the matter referred to it and the Executive may in its absolute discretion thereafter take whatever further action (if any) it deemed appropriate. The Executive shall have power to delegate to the Disciplinary Committee any powers exercisable by the Executive pursuant to this Clause.
e) Definitions
1. Club Level means, subject to the jurisdiction of the Bowls NZ Judicial Committee, during or in connection with a game(s) of bowls.
2. Bowls NZ Judicial Committee”, “Dispute”, “International Level”, “Misconduct”, National Event” and “Regional Judicial Committee” as specified in rule 2 of the Bowls NZ Constitution.
On the recommendation of the Executive the Club may elect a Patron(s) at the Annual General Meeting.
6.1 The management of the affairs and business of the Bowling Club shall be vested in an Executive Committee of Management of nine, consisting of the Officers, as herein after defined, the Chairpersons of the women and men Match Committees, plus three committee members. In the event of any Elected Officer of the Club filling two positions, an additional Executive Member shall be elected to bring the total number back to nine.
6.2 The Officers of the Club shall be the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.
6.3 The Office of an Officer or Member of the Executive shall be vacated if the Holder thereof—
a. Ceases to be a Full Member of the Club.
b. Resigns their office.
c. Dies.
d. Without being excused by the Executive, absents themselves from three consecutive meetings of the Executive.
e. Is removed from Office by resolution of the Full Members present and voting at a Special General Meeting convened for that purpose.
6.4 The Executive shall have the power to fill any casual vacancy occurring through to the next election.
7.1 Notice calling for nominations of Elective Officers and other Members of the Executive, together with nomination forms, shall be displayed on the Notice Board of the Club before (30 April) each year.
7.2 Nominations for the positions of the Elective Officers and other Members of the Executive shall be delivered to the Secretary on or before (30th May) immediately preceding the Annual General Meeting. Every candidate shall have been a Full Member of the Club for at least six months prior to the closing of nominations and shall be nominated in writing by two Full Members of the Club. The nomination form must bear the signature of the candidate as evidence of their consent. Should there be insufficient nominations for any vacancy further nominations shall be made at the meeting.
8.1 The Officers and other Members of the Executive shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting, and shall respectively hold office until the next succeeding Annual General Meeting, when they shall retire, but be eligible for re-election.
8.2 Elections shall be conducted and declared in the following order:
 Patron(s)
 President
 Vice-President
 Secretary
 Treasurer
 Ladies chairperson of the match committee
 Men’s chairperson of the match committee
 3 Executive committee members
 Green Superintendent
 Selector/s
 Coaches
8.3 Should the meeting fail to receive a nomination for Secretary, the Executive have the power to employ a person to carry out this function. Such a person would not have voting rights.
8.4 When more than the required numbers of candidates are nominated, for office, the election shall be by ballot, and no ballot paper shall be valid which does not record a vote for the exact number to be elected.
8.5 Any indication on a ballot paper of the status or qualification of any Candidate shall render such ballot paper and vote invalid.
8.6 The President and Vice President shall, in alternate years, be male/female, female/male
9.1 The Executive may meet together for the dispatch of business, adjourn and otherwise regulate its Meetings as it shall think fit. A Meeting of the Executive may be convened by the President or the Secretary, or by any two other Members of the Executive.
9.2 The President, or in their absence, the Vice President, shall preside at all Meetings of the Executive at which he/she is present. In the absence of these Officers the Meeting shall appoint its own Chairperson.
9.3 Except as otherwise required by this Constitution, all questions shall be determined by a bare majority of votes. Each Member personally present and entitled to vote shall on each question have one vote, and in the case of an equality of votes, the Chairperson shall have a further or casting vote which shall have due regard to the status quo. No proxies shall be allowed.
9.4 The quorum for any Executive Meetings shall be one more than a half of the number of Financial Full Members on the Executive entitled to vote. No business shall be transacted at any Executive Meeting unless a quorum shall be present, except that those present may fix a date and venue for the re-convening of the Meeting.
9.5 If a quorum is not present within an hour after the appointed time for it, the Meeting, if convened upon the requisition of Members shall be dissolved. In every other case it shall stand adjourned to a time and place to be fixed by the Chairperson on adjourning the Meeting. If at the adjourned Meeting a quorum is not present within half an hour after the appointed time, the Members entitled to be present shall be a quorum.
10.1 Without prejudice to the general powers conferred upon it by this Constitution the Executive shall have power to do all acts and things which it may consider proper or expedient for accomplishing the objects and carrying on the affairs of the Club and in particular shall have the specific power to:
a. Control, manage or expend the funds of the Club, including power to invest or otherwise deal with any such funds not currently required, borrow or raise such sums of money, and to incur such liability on behalf of the Club as it may think necessary or expedient in the furtherance of the objects or purposes of The Club.
b. Appoint from its own Members or otherwise such sub Committees as it may from time to time deem necessary or proper: The President or in their absence the Vice-President, shall be ex-officio a Member of every such Committee.
c. Make, alter and repeal such conditions as are not required by this Constitution and the Rules of the Club associated therewith to be submitted to a General Meeting as it may consider necessary or proper for the well-being of the Club.
d. Waive, reduce or remit subscriptions.
10.2 Every resolution of the Executive which is not inconsistent with, or does not purport to repeal or alter anything contained in the respective Constitution of Bowls NZ, the Centre and this Club, or any resolution of any General Meeting of the Club, shall be binding on all Members of the Club unless and until set aside by a resolution of a General Meeting of the Club.
11.1The Secretary shall:-
a. Summon and attend all General Meetings and Meetings of the Executive, keep Minutes of the proceedings thereof and record the attendance at Meetings of the Executive (particulars of which shall be included in the Annual Report).
b. Conduct all correspondence and generally perform such duties required under the Constitution of Bowls NZ and the Centre and/or this Constitution and any rules promulgated pursuant thereto and such other duties as are usual to the office.
11.2 The Treasurer shall:-
a. Collect and account for all subscriptions and other moneys payable to the Club, bank to the credit of the Club’s banking account, disburse the moneys of the Club under the authority of the Executive, and keep proper accounts of the financial affairs of the Club.
b. Submit accounts payable by the Club for the approval of the Executive before payment, report to each Meeting of the Executive the state of the finances of the Club.
c. Keep a Register of Members in accordance with and furnish to the Registrar of Incorporated Societies the Annual Statement required by “The incorporated Societies Act 1908”.
d. Immediately after the close of each financial year prepare and submit to audit the Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet for the year, and present them, together with a budget of estimated Income and Expenditure for the ensuing year, to the Annual General Meeting.
12.1 Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held in the month of June in each year, on such day and at such place and hour as the Executive shall fix and determine. The business of the Meeting shall be to receive the Annual Report, Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet for the preceding year, to elect and appoint Office-bearers for the ensuing year, to consider and deal with Notices of Motion (which shall have been received by the Secretary not less than thirty) days before the Meeting) and to transact any other general business of the Club.
12.2 Special General Meeting
a. A Special General Meeting at which only the business for which the Meeting is convened shall be dealt with, may at any time be summoned upon the initiative and order of the Executive.
b. Conversely a Special General Meeting shall be held within 12 working days after the receipt by the Secretary of a written requisition signed by at least (10) financial Full Members and setting forth in the form of a motion(s) the object(s) of such Meeting.
c. If the Executive does not within seven days convene a Special General Meeting the requisitionists or any of them may, subject to the provisions of this Constitution as to notice, convene it, to be held at the pavilion of the Club.
12.3 Notices of Meetings
At least seven clear days notice in writing of every General Meeting, specifying the place, day and hour of the Meeting and the nature of the business to be considered thereat, shall be given by the Secretary to every financial Full Member of the Club. The accidental omission to give any such Member notice of the Meeting, or their non-receipt of same, shall not invalidate the proceedings of any General Meeting.
12.4 Chairperson
The President of the Executive, or if he/she is absent or unwilling to act, the Vice President, shall preside at all General Meetings, provided however that if neither of these Officers is present or willing to act, the Meeting shall appoint any financial Full Member present to act as its Chairperson.
12.5 Procedure
a. At all General Meetings every financial Full Member personally present shall on each question have one vote, and in the case of an equality of votes the Chairperson shall have a further or casting vote which, if exercised, shall be cast with regard to the status quo.
b. Except for contested elections of Office-bearers or as otherwise provided by this Constitution, voting at General Meetings shall be on the voices or, if the Chairperson or any two Members present and entitled to vote shall so require, by show of hands or by secret ballot as the case may be.
12.6 Minutes
a. The Chairperson shall declare the result of the voting. An entry to that effect shall be made in the Minutes of the proceedings and duly confirmed as hereinafter provided. Such evidence shall be conclusive of the terms of any resolution of a General Meeting and of its being passed or rejected.
b. The Minutes of each General Meeting shall be provisionally confirmed at the ensuing Meeting of the Executive and finally confirmed at the next Annual General Meeting.
The delegate to the Centre AGM and SGM in respect of the current year of the Club
shall be the chairperson elected at the first meeting of the Executive following the Annual General Meeting and shall assume office in accordance with provisions in the Centre Constitution. In the event of the President being
unavailable to attend a Delegates meeting, the Executive shall elect a substitute Delegate who may act as the Club Delegate on the Centre. The Delegate shall, when specific instructions are given, vote at meetings of the Centre in accordance with the directions given them by the Executive and/or any General Meeting. The delegate shall report to the executive all decisions of the Centre affecting or of interest to the Club.
14.1 The quorum for all Club General Meetings shall be one more than a quarter of the number of financial Full Members entitled to vote provided that should such number not be a whole number, the quorum shall be the following whole number.
14.2 No business shall be transacted at any General Meeting unless a quorum shall be present, except that those present may fix a date and venue- for the re-convening of the Meeting.
14.3 If a quorum is not present within an hour after the appointed time for it, the Meeting, if convened upon the requisition of Members shall be dissolved. In every other case it shall stand adjourned to a time and place to be fixed by the Chairperson on adjourning the Meeting. If at the adjourned Meeting a quorum is not present within half an hour after the appointed time, the Members present shall be a quorum.
15.1 The annual subscriptions due and payable by Members on the first day of (Oct) in every year shall be such as shall from time to time be prescribed by the Club in General Meeting.
15.2 If the annual subscription of any Member and any other moneys owing by them to the Club shall remain unpaid after the (first) day of November in any year, he/she shall be deemed to be unfinancial and shall not thereafter, unless the Executive shall otherwise determine in special circumstances, be entitled to exercise or enjoy any right, privilege or advantage of membership until all such moneys shall have been paid.
15.3 A portion of the member’s subscription shall be paid to the Mangawhai Club (Incorporated) in return for membership of that Club.
The Club and all members shall, as a condition of the continuance of its affiliation to Bowls NZ at all times and in all respects conform to and be bound by the constitution of Bowls NZ.
All games, matches, tournaments and championships shall be played in accordance within the Laws of the Game and Associate Regulations.
18.1 The Executive may grant to a Member of any Club affiliated to Bowls NZ and not within the Centre, permission to use the greens and Premises of the Club for such time and on such conditions as to payment or otherwise as the Executive thinks fit, but he/she shall not be eligible to represent the Club in outside Competition or to play in any Club championship.
18.2 The Executive may accord to any overseas visitor who is a Member of a Bowling Club affiliated to an Association in membership with the International Bowling Board or World Bowls Board the privileges of Full Membership of this Club for such period not exceeding twelve months and on such conditions as to payment or otherwise as the Executive shall think fit.
18.3 Visitors for purposes other than the playing of bowls may be admitted to the Club Pavilion when accompanied by a Member, such Member to be responsible for the conduct of the visitor introduced by them.
An Auditor who shall not be a Member of the Executive, shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting, and shall examine and report on the annual Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet. The Auditor shall at all reasonable times have access to the books and accounts of the Club and shall be entitled to any information required relating thereto or to any matter deemed necessary or desirable for audit purposes.
20.1 All Members whilst engaged on the greens must wear heel-less shoes or sandals and having soles of smooth rubber or other pliable material with rounded edges.
20.2 Any maimed or limbless player must use a support and/or artificial limb provided that the same be suitably shod with rubber or other pliable material.
21.1 The Club shall have two Match Committees one ladies one mens comprising the Chairperson, and Full Members appointed by the Chairperson. The duties of the Match Committee shall be to conduct and regulate all Club Competitions with due regard to Clause 24 and settle disputes in connection therewith and generally to have control of all such games.
21.2 Any Member dissatisfied with a decision of the Match Committee shall have the right of appeal to the Executive provided that notice of such appeal is lodged with the Secretary within three days after the date on which the decision of the Match Committee is communicated to the Member concerned.
One or more Selectors shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting. The duties of the Selector(s) shall be to select the teams for all Inter-club matches, to classify and handicap players for competitions, and to make nominations in accordance with the constitution regulations of the Centre for representative teams.
The Executive may appoint and define the respective duties of the qualified Club Coaches and Club Umpires.
24.1 The Club’s current banking account shall be kept at the ASB Bank at Wellsford or at such other Bank as may be decided upon by the Executive. All cheques on such account and all orders for trophies shall be signed by two of the following signatories- Treasurer, President, Vice-President or Secretary.
24.2 The financial year of the Club shall end on the 31st day of March in each year. The Executive shall ensure true and complete accounts be kept of the income and expenditure and assets and liabilities of the Club. A Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet, in the form approved by the Executive and duly audited shall, together with the Annual Report, be forwarded to each financial Full Member with the notice of the Annual Genera! Meeting
The Executive shall decide what Inter-Club, Matches and Competitions shall be entered for by the Club during the ensuing season, but the Executive shall have power to vary such decisions if, owing to subsequent circumstances it shall deem such variations to be in the best interests of the Club.
Any notice required to be given under this Constitution shall be in writing and may be served either by email if available, personally or by posting it in a prepaid letter addressed to the Member at the address last notified by them to the Secretary. If given by post it shall be deemed to have been given at the time when the letter containing the same would be delivered in the ordinary course of post.
All complaints concerning the staff, green(s), domestic or other arrangements of the Club or in respect of the conduct of any Member shall be made in writing, signed by the Member complaining and addressed to the Executive, which shall enquire into the same at the earliest convenient opportunity. In no instance shall a servant of the Club be reprimanded or criticised directly by a Member.
28. PRIVACY ACT 1993
It is a condition of membership of the Club that each Member irrevocably consents pursuant to the Privacy Act 1993 to personal information in the form of their name and residential address, office held (if necessary) and telephone number being included in a membership list for display in the Club house and/or circulation to other members and inclusion in the annual statistical return supplied by the Club to the Centre for any one or more of the following purposes:
(1) The Centre’s Membership records including Centre levy purposes
(2) For publication and distribution in the Centre handbook (if necessary)
(3) For distribution by the Centre pursuant to arrangements entered into with sponsors
(4) For forwarding to Bowls NZ for its records including capitation fee
purposes and/or for distribution by Bowls NZ pursuant to arrangements
entered into with sponsors.
The Common Seal of the Club shall bear the registered name of the Club and shall be kept in the custody of the Secretary. It shall, after a resolution of the Executive in that behalf, be affixed to any instrument, deed or document in the presence of two Members of the Executive, one of whom shall be the President or the Secretary, who shall subscribe their names and offices thereto as witnesses.
The Executive and other Officers of the Club shall be indemnified by the Club against all disbursements, expenses, liabilities and losses incurred by them in or about the discharge of their duties except such as happen from their own willful act, neglect or default.
This Constitution shall be amended, added to, or rescinded only by a majority of the Full Members present and voting at an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting convened for that purpose, provided that written notice of the proposed amendment, addition or rescission shall have been given to the Secretary not less than (thirty) days before the Meeting. No such amendment, addition or rescission shall be valid unless and until approved (by the Liquor Licensing Authority and) by the Centre and accepted by the Registrar of Incorporated Societies No addition to or alteration or rescission of this Constitution shall be adopted if it in any way affects Liquidation Clause 32 hereof unless it shall be approved by the Inland Revenue Department
On the Liquidation of the Club or on its dissolution by the Registrar of incorporated Societies, the funds and asset of the Club remaining after payment in satisfaction of its debts and liabilities and the costs and expenses liquidating shall be distributed by the Club in General Meeting to any like sporting body which has been established substantially or primarily for the purpose of promoting the game of bowls.
If any matter shall arise which is not, or which in the opinion of the Executive is not provided for, by or under this Constitution, the same shall be determined by the Executive in such manner as it shall deem fit, and every such determination shall be binding upon the Club and its Members unless and until set aside by a resolution of a General Meeting.
The Constitution and Rules of the Club operative at the date of adoption of this Constitution are hereby repealed, but all existing appointments to Office and all acts of authority which originated hereunder and are subsisting or in force on the coming into operation of this Constitution shall ensure as if they had originated under this Constitution
Allan StebbenClub Constitution