Mangawhai Bowls Inc

Minutes of Executive meeting held at 4.00 pm on 14 February 2018

Present: G Mulligan, R Aitchison, P Wightman, R Hollingsworth, N Franks, D Henwood,

J Colvine.

Apologies for lateness: N Franks.

Minutes of Previous Meeting: Moved that they are a true and correct record.

R Hollingsworth/R Aitchison

Matters Arising:

  • Unsupervised Children: Matter raised with Club Exec. who were supportive. Bowls Exec. members do have the right to challenge inappropriate behaviour but only Club Exec. members and Bar Staff can instruct people to leave the premises.



  • IRD: GST return.
  • Bidfood: Catalogue.
  • Four Square: Statement
  • Shoota Ballinger: Invoice for maintenance of website. ($342 for the year.)
  • Bowls Northland: re Membership return. R Hollingsworth to contact J Ballard with a view to supplying members’ addresses, as requested.
  • MWB: Notification of Amalgamation meeting on 19 February, at 5.30 pm.
  • Solicitors: Numerous emails.
  • Rotary: Thanks for organising their Bowling day.


  • Solicitors: Numerous emails

Moved that the inward be received and the outward approved. P Wightman/D Henwood

Financial Report:

Moved that the Financial Report be accepted. J Colvine/G Mulligan

A further item was added to the list for payment. Travel expenses to Junior Sixes:

N Franks and D Henwood: $30 each.

Moved that the accounts be approved for payment. R Aitchison/G Mulligan

New Member: Alistair Colliar – Membership approved since last meeting.

Match Committee:

  • Centre Triples: Won by Paul Wightman, Charlie Shepherd and Kiwi Stewart.
  • Centre Junior Sixes: Won by Kiwi Stewart, Ken McLeod, Doug Somers-Edgar, Keith Lineham, Geoff Wood and Adrian Pollock.
  • Club Championship Singles: Winner – Paul Wightman, Runner-up – Alistair Colliar.
  • Club Championship Junior Singles: Final between Rob Henson and Glen Wintle yet to be played.
  • Club Championship Junior Pairs: Only half a game was played at the weekend. A new date has to be fixed.
  • Club Handicap Pairs: A new date has also to be fixed.
  • President’s Invitation: R Hollingsworth has emailed last year’s skips and J Colvine has emailed Presidents of Northland Clubs. N Franks and D Henwood are drumming up support. Names of all outside entries to R Hollingsworth and J Colvine.

General Business:

  • The Price of Club Shirts: The following motion was put and carried:

That the price of shirts remain at 1 for $28, 2 for $50, 3 for $60.

G Mulligan/J Colvine

  • Membership Issues: G Mulligan will look after this for the balance of the season.
  • Amalgamation: R Aitchison reported that our Constitution has been reworded to make it gender neutral. It will have to be circulated to members and presented at a Special General Meeting.

The following motion was put and carried:

That this meeting move into committee. G Mulligan/D Henwood

On coming out of committee, the following motion was put and carried:

That R Hollingsworth continue to consult with Richard Osborne re the matters that

were discussed in committee and keep Executive informed.

P Wightman/N Franks

Next meeting: Monday 12 March at 4.00 pm.

Meeting closed at 6.35 pm

Allan StebbenFeb 2018 Minutes