History of Hakaru Bowling Club Inc

From the minutes of the Hakaru RSA.
16th October 1952 Proposed C.Hall/IsI.Mason That when the building of the Hakaru RSA clubrooms is commenced a public meeting be called to see if there is any interest in forming a Public Bowling Club.
11th December 1952 Mr C Hall reported on an informal discussion he had held with Mr Maurice of Whangarei, expert on Bowling greens.  He had said that a Bowling Green would be a great asset to an RSA and had offered to supervise the building of a green. Proposed N.Masonl R.D.Leslie That a Public Meeting be held in the hall in early January to discuss the formation of a Bowling Green.
26th January 1953 Public Meeting was held in the Hakaru Hall.  Mr C Hall reported that along with Mr R D Leslie he had made inspection of other Bowling Greens and that an excellent one had been built at Port Albert by voluntary labour and had cost very little.  After discussion it was Proposed Chum Allen/N.Mason That the RSA shall support the formation of a Public Bowling Club and land be leased to them on terms to be mutually agreed. At a further Public Meeting Mr Claude Wintle, who was not a returned man, was elected first President. The Bowling Club was incorporated in May 1953.
26th March 1953 From the Minutes of the RSA Mr Nelson donated a bottle of brandy to be raffled for funds for the new Bowling Club and drawn on the day of the first working bee. A lease for a term of 21 years with a right of renewal at the cost of Two Guineas rental per year was drawn up with the Bowling Club. The bowling green was formed by hand with voluntary labour and much camaraderie.
10th November 1954 The Hakaru Bowling Club was officially opened on the 10th November 1954. The refreshments served from a tent and the RSA facilities used.  Mr Claude Wintle and Mr R D Leslie being the only two members who had actually played bowls.
13th January 1955 From the minutes of the Hakaru RSA.  The Chairman expressed disappointment of himself and other Officers of the number of members who had attended Church Parade on Armistice Day commemoration. The organisation had been poor as it had clashed with other parades and the opening of the Hakaru Bowling Club the previous day.  [Members being poorly]  The Subscription for the first year was five pounds. As there was no pavilion the mower was housed in a car case with a corrugated roof.  The RSA facilities were used until a pavilion was built.
10th March 1955 From the minutes of the RSA.  The Bowling Club had been successfully launched.  It was a Public Club an offshoot of the RSA Club and members had reason to be proud of it.
11th August 1955 From the RSA minutes Mr Chum Allen reported that the Bowling Club was intending to build a pavilion to extend 10feet beyond the area already designated.  The extra ground was granted.  When the pavilion was built members had lockers in which they stored their refreshments.  After a time Secretary Nelson Cameron would go and purchase the beer and sell it to the members.  Members had to buy a dozen at half a crown a bottle.  This system operated until the first bar was built.  Ladies did not go into the bar for quite some time.  Many happy hours were spent at this venue both on and off the green. In the late eighties it became obvious that the main growth in the Otamatea County was at Mangawhai and with the demise of the Otamatea County Council.  Imminent an investigation was undertaken to resite the Hakaru Bowling Club at Mangawhai Park reserve.
At an extraordinary general meeting of the Club on 21st June 1989 The following resolution was passed.  That in the immediate and long time interests of its members the Club should be transferred to Mangawhai Park at Mangawhai Heads.  This began the negotiations with Council, funding agencies and thousands of voluntary hours to firstly clear the land, erect an implement shed, lay one green and then erect the Clubhouse.
3rd December 1994 The Official Opening of the Clubhouse and green.
11th May 1995 At the AGM on it was agreed to lay a second green.  This was completed in the 1996 season.  Today we have one of the finest facilities around.  Our greens are in demand for many Centre fixtures and our Club house used for private functions.
October 2002 saw the beginning of a new era, the formation of a Chartered Club.

On 24th June 2018 Both Men’s & Women’s Bowling Clubs amalgamated into Mangawhai Bowls Inc. 

Allan StebbenOur History