Mangawhai Bowls Inc

 Minutes of the Executive Meeting held 5.30pm Monday 10 October 2016

 Present: R Hollingsworth, A Stebben, R Heaton, N Howard, J Colvine, T Cornish,

A Gibbs

Minutes of the previous meeting 19 September 2016

These were read and confirmed                         R Heaton/ R Hollingsworth

 Matters arising:

  • White Board thanks. Resend to Kay & Stuart McElwain not Quinn’s as previously advised

  • Coaching has started but whilst numbers are low they are expected to increase.

  • Bowls website is up & running with a link to the chartered club and other bowls relevant sites. R Heaton & J Colvine to be instructed by a Stebben on site use for posting results and tournaments notices etc. Members are being advised of password to access contact details

  • Rink numbers. Samples have been received. Discuss in general business

  • Health & safety. Centre is sending guidelines. Sample of points made at recent centre event was tabled by R Hollingsworth. R Heaton has Bowls NZ H&S manual.                           Moved that T Cornish be appointed H&S officer & is to provide a H&S draft for use at tournaments    R Hollingsworth/A Gibbs

  • New member application approvals have been sent to R Walters, P Pedrotti, A Dickens, G Porteous. Walters clearance has been sent to Mangawhai Women – try to locate.



  • Sponsorship thanks to Craig Matheson (Barfoot & Thompson), Steve Elliot (Kaiwaka Motorcycles), Sue Scott (Bowls Print)


  • Bowls NZ Annual Report. Will be placed on the notice board.

  • Casual bowlers 11 November. RH has had a satisfactory response and granted their request. They need to be met on arrival to ensure they follow the rules.

  • Bowls Northland affiliation fees invoice. Approved for payment subject to check whether numbers reflect last years paying member numbers. A Stebben R Hollingsworth

  • Robin Johnson resignation. Remains a chartered club member.

 Financial report:

  • Carol Neale’s report was received and accounts not previously approved  were passed for payment subject to the 2x4x2 jugs & wine figure being reduced to $2694.00 (The original figure included GST)   A Stebben/J Colvine

Match Committee report:

  • 2x4x2 results will be used for trial of website reporting

  • Club Champ pairs. Final to be played at later date

  • Club Champ events may be a bit early in the season as players haven’t had time to adjust to the greens. However these are the dates the Centre has allocated to all clubs.

  • Club Champ triples next week

  • Club Champ Singles Labour weekend will be run by Gerry Mulligan as Jim Colvine is away

  • 3rd Nov. – 4 bowl pairs – Circulate the notice. Mangawhai entry sheet on board

  • Men’s 4’s 12 & 13 Nov. Jim to allocate each Exec member names to contact from last years teams & P Freemans lists. Will need a meeting soon. Note revised fee of $36 if entrants bring their own lunch. A Joker prize will be implemented for rounds 1 & 2

 General business:

  • New members: Membership applications approved for Kelvin James, Keith Stewart ( $50 sub attached to form), Keith Lineham.  A Gibbs to advise each of Executive approval and pass contact details to J Ballard, C Neale and A Stebben.

  • Moved & passed that the following Pennants travel be reimbursement.

6x$30 and 2x$15                          J Colvine/ R Heaton

It was noted that similar reimbursement should apply to other representative events.

Next meeting Monday 7 November

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.20pm


Allan StebbenOct 2016 Minutes