Mangawhai Bowls Inc

 Minutes of the Executive Meeting held 5.30pm Monday 8 August 2016

 Present: R Hollingsworth, A Stebben, R Heaton, J Colvine, T Cornish, N Howard,  A Gibbs

Apologies: N Howard for early departure

Minutes of the previous meeting 12 July 2016:

These were read & confirmed                             J Colvine/R Hollingsworth

Matters arising:

  • Holiday Shield – G Mulligan working on this and still aiming for Sunday 21 July date

  • Laptop – A Stebben has this & is working on set up. R Hollingsworth paid for this & needs to be repaid. Invoice of $1309.00 has been approved

  • Garment storage – N Howard has suitable storage

  • Kittyhawkes – Monday 21 November is ok. The Club Monday cash up can be relocated that day to enable bar to be open from the start.

  • Green keepers shed – See under General Business



  • Umpires Tournament Kamo – John Ballard to email all members. A Gibbs action

  • Bowls NZ magazine – R Hollingsworth has signed up. Link this into our website. A Stebben to action

  • Mangawhai Women’s Bowls – Request to join MB website. We agree in principle but his site isn’t user friendly so suggest they wait until we have the site running smoothly in say 6 months. R Hollingsworth to advise MWB

  • Club suggestion box – We appreciate receiving forwarded suggestions relating to bowls but would also appreciate identification of the proposer to help us action those suggestions. Suggestions related to chartered club responsibilities have been passed on. Winter competition format – See Match Committee report below

  • Combined Opening Day – J Colvine discussing details with Sue Epsom


  • “Have a go day” drops – Notice for 28 August event distributed to committee members for distribution


  • Carol Neal’s report was received. Carol notes the overall income/expenses for this financial year to date involves a lot of expenses for the 3 day tournament in May, whereas most of the income came in the previous financial year.

  • Additional accounts for passed for payment:

– $675.00 bus to Ngunguru

– $1587.07 Bidvest prizes/raffles

– $35.97 GST

  • R Hollingsworth is holding some Thursday tournament money

  • Bank signature changes are under action but on line administration access for R Hollingsworth & R Stebben needs to be set up

Financials were received and accounts passed for payment

                                                                               A Stebben/T Cornish

  Match Committee:

  • Last Winter Thursday competition this week 11 August and last Monday next week 15 August

  • Winter format – A joint winter committee with MWB would be preferable to look at format and frequency

  • Programme – Proofs came back but some minor changes which had been requested hadn’t been actioned. J Colvine has corrected these and questioned the printer on why this had happened

  • R Heaton questioned the wording on the centre page related to Hospice/Charity tournament

  • 242 and Men’s Pairs and 4’s tournaments in September need attention. Look for helpers. Prepare job sheets and shoulder tap – J Colvine action

  • Holiday Shield – MB need to provide morning tea/coffee and biscuits. R Heaton to check with G Mulligan & Ron Roadley re other requirements

  • R Heaton to set up a catering committee/helper group

  • J Colvine to set up a match committee/helper group

General Business:

  • Note a Kawakawa supplier who delivers weekly as an alternative for meat packs for prizes

  • R Heaton & A Stebben noted we haven’t had a reply from The Club re green keepers shed questions/comments. R Hollingsworth to send an email to Colin Wintle the incoming Club president

  • It is noted that as MB don’t have any executive members on the chartered Club committee it is important that The Club report back any Club matters pertaining to bowls. A Stebben suggests one of either Paul Freeman, Graham McKenzie or Paul Wightman do this report back.

Next meeting 19 September 2016 5.30pm

 There being no further business the meeting ended 7.00pm

Allan StebbenAug 2016 Minutes