Mangawhai Bowls Inc.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 21 May 2017 at 9.30am

 Present:   A Stebben, R Hollingsworth, R Heaton, T John, N Franks, C Pierce, G Mulligan, W Neal, J Colvine, C Neal, N Howard, T Agnew, C Wintle, R Cleaver, J Ballard, A Dickens, J Bottomley, P Freeman, G Jones, K McLeod, K Mitchell, G Lawson, T Tuffey, R Aitchison, R Riley, T Cornish, G Brockelsby, J Pilmer, G Leonard, D Henwood, M Heaton, I Andrews, R Hynes, A Smith, G Lane, K Blincow, C Shepherd, M Davey, R Hill, J Valentine, J Innes, J Crocker, P Wightman, L Lawrence, J Wintle, T Darwent, B Barnetta, J Saunders, R Draycott.

Apologies:   R Burrows, A Gibbs, L Bird.

Moved that these apologies be accepted.             Gerry Mulligan/Ron Heaton            Carried

Minutes of previous AGM:   Moved that they be accepted as a true record.

Noel Howard/Ron Heaton              Carried

Matters arising from the Minutes:    None

President’s Report:   Was read.

Financial Report and Budget:   Tabled by Carol Neal.

  • John Wintle questioned the reporting of the financial position of the Magical Mangawhai tournament. This was due to the financial activity of the tournament being spread over two financial years.  In fact, last year’s tournament had made a profit of $1963.96.
  • John Wintle also questioned the loss for the year. This could be attributed to one-off expenses – establishing the web site, a lawyer’s opinion, purchasing mats, jacks, rink markers and the lap-top.
  • Tributes were paid to Carol Neal for her continuing excellent work and to the new Auditor, Corrine Smith.

 Moved that the Financial Report be adopted.         Carol Neal/Jim Colvine                 Carried

President’s Honorarium:

 Moved that the President’s Honorarium be increased to 150 jugs or equivalent.

Gerry Mulligan/Allan Stebben

 Gerry Mulligan – Now the club is in operation all year round, the honorarium should reflect this.

  • Ross Hollingsworth – The President’s Invitation tournament used much of the allocation. Also he would like to be able to acknowledge club members who have won significant events and runners up.
  • John Wintle – How much per jug? $9
  • Ken McLeod – Could the jugs for the President’s Invitation tournament be included in the budget?
  • Neville Franks – Can we afford it? Apparently we can.
  • Ken McLeod – Would the new Executive consider the issue of complimentary jugs at our events?

The Motion was put and carried.


 Moved that, whilst our fees remain the same, the incoming committee has the right to make an adjustment should there be a significant change in the capitation fees for 2017/2018.

                                                                                             Ross Hollingsworth/Noel Howard

 When would the capitation be set? Bowls Northland would probably set its figure at its AGM on 18 June.  Bowls New Zealand probably later.

The Motion was put and carried.

Patron:   Moved that Len Lawrence be appointed Patron.                Ross Hollingsworth

Carried by acclamation.

Election of Officers:

 Executive: As these positions were uncontested, the following were appointed:

President                                       Ross Hollingsworth

Vice President                               Allan Stebben

Club Captain                                 Gerry Mulligan

Chairman of Match Committee    Noel Howard

Executive Member                        Ray Aitchison

Executive Member                        Paul Wightman

There being no nominations for Treasurer and Secretary,

Carol Neal agreed to continue as Treasurer and

John Ballard as Correspondence Secretary, both working outside of Committee.

Ross Hollingsworth thanked John Ballard for his service this season.

  • Non-Executive: The following were appointed:

Coaches                            Allan Stebben, Murray Heaton.

and Gerry Mulligan (on completion of training).

Greens Superintendent     Colin Neal

Selectors                           Ron Heaton, Dundee Henwood, Neville Franks.

  • Positions on the Mangawhai Club: As these were uncontested, the following were appointed:

Vice President                    John Merrick

Treasurer                            not required

Committee Member           Gerry Mulligan

Ross Hollingsworth moved a vote of thanks to the outgoing committee, to the retiring committee members, Ash Gibbs, Tony Cornish, Ron Heaton and Jim Colvine and to the retiring selector, Neil Hibbert.

He congratulated the successful nominees for next season’s committee – Paul Wightman, Gerry Mulligan and Ray Aitchison.

  • Auditor: Corrine Smith has been appointed.  A letter of thanks will be sent.


 Moved that the Bowling Club asks the Chartered Club to invest in an Events Manager to run not only all Bowling Club events but also other events that other clubs within the Chartered Club may wish to run.                                                                      John Wintle/Ken McLeod

 John Wintle – There are very few bowlers under sixty and members are reluctant to get involved.

  • Paul Wightman – Paul Freeman has been running events very successfully for ten years with no payment.
  • Jim Colvine – A recent campaign netted a pool of 17 members prepared to help Exec in various ways. Also a non-bowler running tournaments was a concern.
  • John Wintle – A young sports administration graduate would be ideal for the role.
  • Colin Wintle – The role would be wider than bowls.

After more discussion, John withdrew the remit.

Forum on Constitutional Change:

 Ray Draycott – The clubs are separate for a reason. The Mangawhai Club may not always be sympathetic to Mangawhai Bowls.

  • Colin Wintle – Members are misinformed. Constitutions are out of date and will need to be redone by 2019.  Steve Lee has a relevant document from MBIE.
  • Allan Stebben – It was a one-sided process with very little consultation. Bowls has gifted all its assets.  A partnership is needed, not a take-over.
  • Ron Heaton – Agreed.
  • Jim Colvine – There should have been meaningful discussion before any proposal was released.
  • Gerry Mulligan – Talking is needed. John Merrick would have attended but, as he was unopposed as Vice President, it was deemed unnecessary.
  • Gary Lane – Deplored the mistrust and sniping. Gifting by Bowls was done in a state of trust.  Mangawhai Club could not have progressed without Mangawhai Bowls.
  • John Wintle – It is only a discussion document. Mangawhai Bowls would be bankrupt without the Mangawhai Club.  One must support the other,
  • Ross Hollingsworth – Mangawhai Bowls is receptive to change but in an atmosphere of cooperation and trust.
  • Charlie Shepherd – Historically, some members had made donations to support the Bowling Club. The Chartered Club was set up to avoid this.

At this point, discussion focused on the appointment of President and Vice President of the Mangawhai Club.

  • Colin Wintle – Felt that these positions should be decided by vote at the AGM of the Mangawhai Club.
  • Ross Hollingsworth – Undertook to raise the matter at the first meeting of the new Executive, to discuss ways forward and to respond within six weeks.
  • Paul Freeman – Said that there should be no timeframe. Change should be done properly not piecemeal.

 General Business:

 Gerry Mulligan – There were a number of remits to the AGM of Bowls Northland. These will be circulated to members.

  • Charlie Shepherd – Ask about the situation of the third green. Colin Wintle said that the Geo Tech report had been received and it would be released after it had been presented to the Mangawhai Club Committee.
  • Ron Heaton – All sub-committees should liaise with Executive and answer questions.
  • Allan Stebben – The website is up and running. Help is still needed.

Ross Hollingsworth thanked members for attending.

Paul Freeman thanked Ross for chairing the meeting.

Meeting closed at 10.50 am







Allan StebbenAGM 2017 Minutes