Mangawhai Bowls Inc
Minutes of the Executive meeting held 5.30pm 11 April 2017
Present: R Hollingsworth, R Heaton, J Colvine N Howard, T Cornish, A Gibbs
Apologies: A Stebben
Minutes of the previous meeting 13 March 2017:
These were taken as read and were confirmed              J Colvine/N Howard
Matters arising:
  • Shelters – P Wightman has withdrawn from any involvement
  • IRD and a statement for C Neale
  • Clearance for Bob Walters from Mairangi Bay
  • Resignation from R Anderson
  • R Anderson explaining Exec’s position on 100-Up final
  • To all members calling for executive Nominations and Notices of Motion for the AGM
Treasurers report:
  • Carol Neale’s report was received and the list accounts were approved for payment                                               R Heaton/A Gibbs                         It was noted that the postponed charity tournament prizes had been paid for by J Colvine who needs reimbursement.
  • R Hollingsworth to talk to C Neale to check whether Michael Jacques ca do our auditing
  • First indications are the visit from Warkworth appears to have resulted in a good profit
Match Report:
  • 100-Up won by N Franks following default of R Anderson
  • Junior singles final postponed due to S Bolton injury
  • Charity tournament numbers will be down due to the postponement. If, as is likely, the rescheduled date is cancelled, the prizes will be use for the Manly visit and/or winter tournaments.
  • Closing Day-JC will talk to women on format
General Business:
  • Next seasons programme. J Colvine will email the executive with the centre calendar with his proposals for date shifts. Please comment
  • Executive recruitment suggestion deferred
  • Winter bowls will continue on C Green while its ongoing use is possible. N Howard & T Cornish will run this. Enquiries to either,
  • A Gibbs left the meeting at 6.30pm due to conflict of interest on the next topic. J Colvine to take over recording.
Minutes taken by J Colvine.
  • Merger Proposal: R Hollingsworth referred Exec to the recently received proposals regarding the Three Club Merger.  He said that this was a critical stage for Mangawhai Bowls Inc.  Extreme caution should be exercised.
  • Magical Mangawhai Tournament: J Colvine reported that he had obtained support from three other Exec members to release, to this year’s committee, the profit from last year’s tournament.  He informed C Wintle of this.  As a result, C Wintle said that application to the Mangawhai Club for further sponsorship was not needed.   (This profit has lain, untouched, in our No 2 account.)
  • R Heaton stated that no understanding had been reached at our meeting of July 2016 regarding the release of this money. There was no mention in the minutes.  He opposed its release now and tendered his resignation as Club Captain.
  • R Hollingsworth appraised the Exec of his future plans.
  • Motion: That R Heaton’s resignation be accepted with regret and that he be thanked for his two Years of service as Club Captain.
J Colvine/N Howard
Next meeting Monday 8 May 2017
Meeting closed at 7.30pm


Allan StebbenApr 2017 Minutes