Mangawhai Bowls Inc

Minutes of Executive meeting held at 4.37 pm on 7 May 2018

Present:   G Mulligan, N Franks, D Henwood, J Colvine, R Aitchison.

Minutes of Previous Meeting:  Moved that they are a true and correct record.

N Franks. R Aitchison.

Matters Arising:

 Handicap Pairs: To be played on a Sunday over winter on the artificial green.

  • Friday Raffles: G Mulligan and N Franks ran one on 27 April.  D Henwood running next two for the Magical Mangawhai.
  • Third Green: The survey has been done.  Some evidence of subsidence but less than at last survey.  Paul Wightman has agreed to remain on the subcommittee which should be meeting soon.
  • Next Year’s Programme: Paul Freeman wishes Junior Classic to be on 27 December.  Also the National Charter Clubs Tournament is 10 to 15 February 2019.



  • Paul Wightman: Letter of resignation from Executive.  The following motion was put and carried:

That a letter be send to Paul expressing regret at his resignation and thanking him for his endeavour on behalf of Mangawhai Bowls.                             G Mulligan/N Franks

  • John Bull: Notification that he will resign at the end of the season.


  • Ross Hollingsworth: Letter of thanks.

Moved that the inward be received and the outward confirmed.              R Aitchison/N Franks


Financial Report:

 Moved that the Financial Report be accepted.                                          N Franks/D Henwood

  • Trophy Cabinet: G Mulligan to ask Mangawhai Club for an invoice.  If money remains from the bequest, it is to be used to upgrade the cabinet.

Moved that the accounts be approved for payment.                                 G Mulligan/ N Franks

Further expenditure was approved:

  • Awards Dinner: Members’ subsidy and share of expenses.
  • Charity Tournament: Profit to go to Hospice.


Budget for 2018/2019:  

This was tabled and accepted.  It was noted that, apart from the unforeseen legal fees, the 17/18 Budget has been very accurate.  Appreciation was expressed for the quality of Carol Neal’s work.


New Members:

  • John Bull: Resignation accepted with regret.

Match Committee:

  • Magical Mangawhai: 26 teams at this stage with the possibility of more.
  • Winter Bowls: N Franks and G Mulligan are running the Thursday afternoon series, starting 24 May at 1.00 pm.  Three games of 8 ends – two bowl triples.  Pick your own team plus single entries to G Mulligan.  All 8 rinks will be used, if needed.


General Business:

 Constitution: The new Constitution is to be sent to members and a SGM will be called on Sunday 20 May to ratify it.

  • Awards Dinner: The following motion was put and carried;

That Mangawhai Women’s Bowls organise this event.                 G Mulligan/N Franks

G Mulligan will send out an email.  G Mulligan will speak and J Colvine will present prizes.

 Hospice: G Mulligan to find suitable date to present the cheque.  J Colvine to circulate the tournament’s balance sheet to Executive.


Next meeting:   Monday 4 June at 4.00 pm.                     


Meeting closed at 5.15 pm

Allan StebbenMay 2018 Minutes