Mangawhai Bowls Inc

Minutes of Executive meeting held at 4.00 pm on 9 December 2017

Present: G Mulligan, R Aitchison, P Wightman, R Hollingsworth, N Franks, D Henwood.

Apologies: J Colvine.

Minutes of Previous Meeting: Moved that they are a true and correct record.

P Wightman/R Hollingsworth

Matters Arising:

  • Mike Germann – Clearance received from Clarks Beach. Maungaturoto informed. Moved that he be accepted as year 7. N Franks/P Wightman
  • Bowls Club Signs – G Mulligan getting price from Bowls NZ.
  • Amalgamation of Bowling Clubs – One more meeting to be held re constitution. Payment of Greenkeeper needs clarification.



  • Four Square – Statement.
  • Bidfood – Sponsorship cheque.
  • Playaway Tours – Bowling trip to Australia.
  • Clarks Beach BC – Clearance for Mike Germann.
  • Paul Freeman – Update on the organisation for Junior Classic.
  • J Colvine – Apologies and report.
  • Steve Shields – Concerning Club membership, signing in and visitors.
  • Hunua BC – Anniversary Challenge in January.


  • Mangawhai Club – Requesting sponsorship of Men’s Pairs Tournament.
  • Mangawahi Club – Concerning tournaments in December.
  • Sponsors – Letters of thanks sent to Bowls, Print, Helloworld, Michael Jaques and the Mangawhai Club.
  • Jan Hollingsworth – Thanking her and team for catering at Men’s Fours.

Moved that the inward be received and the outward approved. G Mulligan/D Henwood

Financial Report:

Carol Neal needs copy of Invoice 42090518 from Bidfood. R Aitchison to do.

Moved that the Financial Report be accepted. N Franks/D Henwood

Moved that the accounts be approved for payment. G Mulligan/R Hollingsworth

Membership: Evan Wright – Resignation accepted. P Wightman/N Franks

General Business:

  • Hams for Ho Ho Tournament – 14 hams delivered ($700). R Aitchison to check.
  • Corner-to-Corner – Mangawhai Club wishes to run this on Sunday afternoons. There has been no discussion with Mangawhai Bowls as this clashes with our Club Day.
  • Grades and Handicaps – Committee has allocated these for new members.
  • Transport for Sevens – List for reimbursement presented and approved.
  • Magical Mangawhai Tournament – From J Colvine’s report, it was noted that Jane Walker and Colin Pierce do not wish to continue on the organising committee. Colin Wintle will be away at the time of the tournament but is prepared to assist in raising teams.

Moved that all three be sent letters thanking them for the work that they have done establishing this tournament. D Henwood/R Hollingsworth

Next meeting: In January, date to be advised.

Meeting closed at 5.12 pm.

Allan StebbenDec 2017 Minutes