Mangawhai Bowls Inc


Minutes of the Executive meeting held 5.30pm Monday19 September 2016

Present:  R Hollingsworth, A Stebben, R Heaton, J Colvine, N Howard, A Gibbs

Apology: T Cornish

Minutes of the previous meeting 8 August 2016

                 These were read & confirmed

       Matters Arising:

  • Green keepers shed. “The Club” replied to all members regarding delay to this project


  • Casual visitor bowlers request. This clashes with Club Champs but can use Tiger Turf subject to accepting our terms & conditions. Ross Hollingsworth to reiterate these terms and request confirmation of acceptance.

  • Ash Gibbs to send thank you to Peter & Cath Quinn for white board

  • Tournament notices from other clubs to be place on notice board. AG

  • Jim Colvine to send letter to “The Club” re sponsorship of 4 bowl pairs November

  • Request from Mangawhai Women’s Bowls re auditor

         It was moved and carried that inwards correspondence be received and outward approved                                                                                    J Colvine/ R Heaton


  • Carol Neale’s report was received. $9000 additional subscription income is to be added to this

  • More 3rd green winter play income to be received

Financials were received and accounts passed for payment

                                                                                         R Hollingsworth/ A Stebben

Match Committee:

  • Club Day T Cornish & Di Adamson deputised running last week.

      Noel Howard will do so this week

  • Roll-Up. When Centre 1-8 event is held in Mangawhai on Sunday 2 Oct, Jim will advise members there will be a roll up as its not advertised in the blue book.

  • 2x4x2 – 24 teams entered. Good level of sponsorship and prizes. 10x$30 meat pack prizes for Thursday to be arranged by Ron Heaton. If Mangawhai butcher cant action this in time Ron has authority to purchase from Supermarket & claim reimbursement.

  • Tony Cornish & Noel Howard learning tournament running systems as a back up for Jim

  • 2 day 4’s. Exec meet next Monday 26 Sept 5.30pm to discuss

  • 4 bowl pairs mainly Mangawhai members in drawn teams

General Business:

A Stebben

  • Coaching starts 4 October 4.00-5.30pm. Expecting about 10 new players

  • Flag pole on 3rd green is up thanks to Ross Hollingsworth donation and Keith Blincow labour

  • Health & Safety- May need to increase awareness of players & visitors. Ross to check whether the centre has any policy on this.

  • Website – Up & running with recent results included. Looks good. Links to other sites.

  • Amalgamation of Mangawhai Men’s & Women’s Bowls. Whilst this is a sensitive subject it needs to be explored. The chartered club constitution & structure is under review so this is timely. Alan, Ash & one other, who preferably has transferred from a club with recent amalgamation, will look into this.

  • Rink numbers – Alan is to progress possible replacement of the white block rink numbers with metal, bank hung numbers

        A Gibbs

  • New member approvals. Robert Walters (subject to clearance), Peter Pedrotti, Alf Dickens and Gary Porteous applications for membership were approved. Ash to advise each of this decision and welcome them to the club


  • Gradings – Neil Hibbert & Allan Stebben to progress these

  • Selector(s) – Try and get 2-3 selectors next year

  • Calcutta’s – Dave Stoddard says these are ok up to a specific $ limit

  • Holiday Shield – Some conflict of opinion over the organisation, probably due to communication breakdown. Recommend when/if Mangawhai regain this shield we should copy the laminated rules into out data base

Next meeting: Monday 10 October 5.30pm

There being no further business the meeting ended 7.30pm

Allan StebbenSept 2016 Minutes