Mangawhai Bowls Inc

Minutes of Executive meeting held at 4.30 pm on 13 June 2017


Present:   G Mulligan, R Aitchison, A Stebben, P Wightman, R Hollingsworth, N Howard,

J Colvine (Minutes Secretary).


Minutes of Previous Meeting:  Moved that they are a true and correct record.

N Howard/A Stebben


Matters Arising:

  • Shelters – Still no reply from the Mangawhai Club.
  • Refund from Centre – Received.




  • Simon McArthur – Wishing to use greens on 22 July.


  • Ross Burrows – Thanks for sponsorship.
  • Willie Hewitt – Thanks for sponsorship.
  • John Wintle – Thanks to him and the committee for the success of the Magical Mangawhai Tournament.


Moved that the inward be received and outward confirmed.                  A Stebben/R Aitchison


Financial Report:


Moved that the Financial Report be accepted.                               G Mulligan/R Hollingsworth

Moved that the accounts be approved for payment.                                N Howard/R Aitchison


Match Committee Report:

  • Monday Winter Bowls – A successful start on 12 June, with a full muster of 16 drawn team. It was suggested that either the value of prizes be increased or the entry fee be reduced.
  • Mairangi Bay Visit – Phyl Humphries has been in touch with Paul Freeman regarding dates for next season. Paul runs a very popular bus trip to Mairangi Bay.  But numbers visiting us have been dwindling and, desipe efforts to find a suitable date, Mairangi were unable to visit this year.  G Mulligan to see Paul and discuss the viability of this long-standing exchange.


Membership:  No new members have applied nor resignations received.


General Business:

  • Magical Mangawhai Tournament – This will be discussed once the financial report of the tournament has been received.
  • Recommendations for Centre AGM – These seem sensible and most are essentially faits accomplis.
  • Northland Reps Selection Criteria – It was agreed that this process should be left to the Coaches and Selectors.
  • Third Green – The slumping appears to have stabilised. The cause of the slumping has not been established but the following points were raised.  The preparation of the base took about two year and in that time there was plenty of testing.  Tiger Turf thought drains were unnecessary but, when the green flooded, their solution was to drill 2 metre holes which took the water too deep.  No remediation should take place over the winter.  And Mangawhai Bowls, as lease holder, must be consulted on any remedial work.
  • Control of Lease – Only Mangawhai Bowls and Kaipara District Council can initiate discussion of the lease and there can be no change unless Mangawhai Bowls agrees.
  • Deed of Gift (by Mangawhai Bowls to the Mangawhai Club) – This was set up by a SGM of Mangawhai Bowls and it includes the schedule for forgiving the loan. Its terms can only be altered by another SGM of Mangawhai Bowls.
  • Clause 35 of our Constitution – Legal opinion to be sought regarding implications of changing this clause.
  • Constitutional Review Committee Report – As it stood, the recommendations were not supported at our AGM and are unacceptable to Executive. Discussion with the committee cannot take place because the committee has been disbanded, apparently.  However we do have to move.  A new law for Incorporated Societies is due to be presented in 2018, for enactment in 2019.  Apparently its implementation will be in two stages, timed for 2021 and 2023.
  • Appointment of President and VP of the Mangawhai Club – This has been an ongoing source of discontent. The Executive supports, in principle, that these appointments be made by vote at the Mangawhai Club AGM, provided a period is allowed in which any member of the Mangawhai Club can be nominated.  To this end, the following motion was put and carried:


That we seek legal advice with regard to Clauses 6 to 8 of our Constitution re the election of President and Vice President to the Mangawhai Club and the consequences to Clause 35.

                                                                                                              P Wightman/G Mulligan


  • A Stebben was authorised to purchase green markers for the 2 metre marks, at an approximate cost of $126.
  • J Colvine is preparing the handbook for next season. Dates are required for Business House Bowls and input is needed from Executive.


Next meeting:   Monday 10 July at 5.30 pm.



Meeting closed at 6.06 pm.


Allan StebbenJune 2017 Minutes