Mangawhai Bowls Inc

Minutes of Executive meeting held at 3.30 pm on 11 July 2017

Present:   G Mulligan, R Aitchison, A Stebben, P Wightman, R Hollingsworth, N Howard,

J Colvine.

Minutes of Previous Meeting:  Moved that they are a true and correct record.

A Stebben/R Hollingsworth

Matters Arising:

  • Shelters – Still no reply from the Mangawhai Club.
  • Simon McArthur – N Howard has asked for confirmation of visit but, as yet, no reply. He will be available on the day to supervise.
  • Mairangi Bay Visit – G Mulligan reported that date has been fixed for trip to Mairangi Bay. If Phyl Humphries is having difficulty filling a bus for the return visit then she should recruit from other North Harbour clubs.
  • Northland Rep Nominations – A Stebben has done this.
  • Rink Markers – A Stebben has ordered these but these may be a delay in delivery.
  • Third Green – Mangawhai Club wishes no further discussion as the matter will be raised at the Club AGM. The GeoTech drilling was not done on the playing surface, as requested.  P Wightman tabled a Time-line on the Lease and Third Green.



  • Maungaturoto Bowlig Club – Notice of Charter Clubs Tournament on 26 August.
  • Bowls Northland – Minutes of Board Meeting on 13 June.
  • Molesworth Four Square – Invoices.
  • Bowls Northland – Minutes of AGM. Our Delegate, R Hollingsworth, drew attention to the very poor attendance.  This put extra pressure on those who did attend.
  • NZ Bowls – Circular 7.

Moved that the inward be received.                                                        N Howard/R Aitchison

Financial Report:

 Moved that the Financial Report be accepted.                                 R Hollingsworth/N Howard

Moved that the accounts be approved for payment.                                 A Stebben/GMulligan

Match Committee Report:

  • Monday Winter Bowls – Increased value of prizes has been well received and the turnout has been good.
  • Next Season’s Programme – Tabled and comments invited.

Membership:  No new members have applied nor resignations received.

General Business:

  • Web Site – Editing problem has been overcome.
  • Have-a-go Day – Date to be fixed in August. Help with publicity to be sought from list of volunteers.
  • Business House Bowls – R Hollingsworth to form a subcommittee.
  • Magical Mangawhai Tournament – Financial report of the tournament not yet received. The Committee wish to stand down.  However some on the Committee are essential for raising teams.  Its future will be discussed at next meeting.
  • NZ Club of the Year – We have been nominated for Bowls NZ Club of the Year and Wayne Neal has been nominated for Greenkeeper of the Year.
  • Lease – Legal opinion circulated. Transfer can only occur with agreement of all three parties.
  • Appointment of Club President and Vice President – The legal opinion was to maintain the status quo. However we are still open to discussion.  The following motion was put and carried:

That the status quo be maintained but Bowls would like to sit down with the Club to discuss going forward on this issue.                                                           G Mulligan/R Hollingsworth

             G Mulligan to convey this decision to C Wintle.

 Amalgamation with MWB – No constitutional change should be made before the terms of the 2019 Act are known but groundwork can be done. To this end, the following motion was put and carried:

That a subcommittee of Paul Wightman, Allan Stebben and Ray Aitchison be formed to discuss combining or amalgamating with Mangawhai Women’s Bowls.

                                                                                                           P Wightman/A Stebben

 Next meeting:   Monday 14 August at 3.30 pm.

 Meeting closed at 5.25 pm.


Allan StebbenJuly 2017 Minutes