Mangawhai Bowls Inc

Minutes of Executive meeting held at 4.05 pm on 11 September 2017

Present:   G Mulligan, R Aitchison, A Stebben, P Wightman, R Hollingsworth, N Howard, J Colvine.


Minutes of Previous Meeting:  Moved that they are a true and correct record.

Ray Aitchison/R Hollingsworth

Matters Arising:

  • Shelters – Still no reply from the Mangawhai Club.
  • Have-a-go Day – 12 attended, with two more interested but unable to attend. Approximately 6 expected for training.
  • Club Census – It is quite involved. R Hollingsworth will decided how we go about it.
  • Bowls Clubs Signs – Both will be replaced, hopefully incorporation the Bowls NZ logo. Executive will check out other Clubs’ signs during the Pennants.
  • Advertising Signage – The Manager has this in hand, apparently.
  • Magical Mangawhai Tournament – R Hollingsworth reported a lukewarm response from Mangawhai Women’s Bowls. Again it was noted that the date allocated was too late in the season and that it was no longer an elite tournament.  Also there was no person or group prepared to take on the project.  In view of these factors the following motion was put and carried:

That, unless a group comes forward to run the Magical Mangawhai Tournament, it will not take place next year.                                                                               P Wightman/N Howard



  • Bowls Warkworth – Handbook
  • Birkenhead Bowling Club – Handbook.
  • Molesworth Four Square – Invoice.
  • Paul Freeman – Thanks for card and voucher
  • helloworld, Warkworth – Sponsorship request.
  • Bruce Hathaway – Resignation.

Moved that the inward be received.                                                           A Stebben/N Howar

Financial Report:

Moved that the Financial Report be accepted.                                          N Howard/A Stebben

Moved that the accounts be approved for payment.                                  N Howard/A Stebben

The following motion was put and carried:

That the Treasurer be authorised to pay the Mangawhai Club its portion of the combined membership fees as they are received.                                             R Hollingsworth/A Stebben

Membership:  Michael Germann – Accepted.

Jim Morris – Reinstated.

Bruce Hathaway – Resigned.

Match Committee Report:

  • Monday Series – Continuing. (36 bowlers today.)
  • Thursday Series – Continuing.
  • 2x4x2 – 20 Teams so far, with more visitors than locals. Email to be sent to our bowlers.

General Business:

  • Amalgamation – A draft remit on the required Constitutional changes has been prepared and will be circulated to the Executive. It was felt that a man and a woman should fill the positions of President and Vice President.  The Special General Meeting, to debate and vote on the Constitutional changes, will require one month’s notice.  A Special Exec Meeting will be held to finalise the remit and arrange notification of members.
  • Booklets – A Stebben to liaise with Carol Neal to arrange distribution.
  • Licencing Act – G Mulligan to raise two issues with Mangawhai Club, namely reciprocal rights of bowlers from other clubs and wine presented as prizes.
  • Third Green – Mangawhai Club intends to form a sub-committee comprising John Merrick, Graham Bayes and a bowler.
  • Club Constitutional Sub-Committee – R Hollingsworth read his draft response to the Mangawhai Club. The following motion was put and carried:


That the Executive of Mangawhai Bowls endorses this response.       

                                                                                                       R Hollingsworth/R Aitchison.

Next meeting:   Monday 9 October at 4.00 pm.


Meeting closed at 5.15 pm.


Allan StebbenSep 2017 Minutes