Mangawhai Bowls Inc
Minutes of the Executive meeting held 9 January 2017 5.30pm
 Present: R Heaton, R Hollingsworth, A Stebben, J Colvine, A Gibbs (non voting)
Apologies: T Cornish, N Howard
Minutes of the previous meeting 12 December:
These were read & confirmed                            A Stebben/R Hollingsworth
Matters Arising:
  • Non bowler day – 50 teams entered & day generally successful and well received but 2 legitimate complaints. JC will prepare a notice for next year to help prevent a repeat of the problem.
  • AG to post thank you to those who helped sort the bowls into sets
  • Keith Blincow & Terry John co-opted to install new rink numbers in consultation with green keeper & supervisor. Start on C green as most of the holes are already in correct place.
  • Poynton Retirement Village visit-JC will suggest a Saturday as they requested a meal
  • Rusting shelters. AG will speak to G Mackenzie for chartered club action.(done)
  • Presidents Invitation 4’s- RH has started on this and will email clubs
  • Magical Mangawhai – JC has spoken to C Wintle who will progress this
  • Website and local press bowls results need to be progressed
  • AG will fill in as secretary for balance of this season with J Ballards assistance as at present
Inwards: Eric Povey standing down from bowling but may return if the medication he is on continues to improve his health
Treasurers report:
  • Carol Neal’s report was received and 18 invoices passed for payment                       R Hollingsworth/A Stebben
  • AS requested payment for flag materials and courier charge.-Approved
Match Committee report:
  • Ham & Lamb (open) 36 teams half of which were Mangawhai who also collected about half the prizes
  • Lamb & Ham (Domestic) 72 entries of which a third had not played in the open H&L.
  •  About 100 Mangawhai members participated in these 2 events
  • Non bowler day 50 teams entered
  • Mixed pairs-maximum number entered
  • Charities joint tournament- JC has met with Jackie Rutledge. $15 per person entry fee. A flyer will be prepared
  • Prior to next seasons programme there needs to be debate on timing of some events. It is very crowded late December & January
  • Split tournament responsibilities more. Raising teams is the hard part. AG to email members urging them to get involved and offer their services
General Business:
  • New member Adrian Pollock approved
  • RH requested payment for cars used for 7’s teams
  • AG to post a notice board thank you and email thanks for Rose Andrews flag making
  • New jacks are needed. Local supply about $400/set. RH will check UK source
  • Website – AS needs more feedback for additions
  • Focus & Memo results and comment are important to give sponsors exposure
  • Constitution –RH to get minutes of ladies meeting with the Constitutional review committee
  • JC requested thanks be sent to sponsors: Hello World $862.50 (2 Hams & Lambs), The Club $575.00 (Men’s pairs), Rob Pooley $287.50 (Non bowler day)
  • Ron Heaton to be reimbursed $30 for 3 trips to collect meat raffle prizes. AG to advise Carol Neal
  • AG check Carol Neal re Gary Lane’s Lambs & Hams sponsorship
Next meeting 13 February 5.30pm
There being no further business the meeting ended 6.50pm
Allan StebbenJan 2017 Minutes