Mangawhai Bowls Inc

Minutes of Executive meeting held at 4.05 pm on 9 October 2017

Present:   G Mulligan, R Aitchison, P Wightman, R Hollingsworth, N Howard, J Colvine.

Minutes of Previous Meeting:  Moved that they are a true and correct record.

R Hollingsworth/R Aitchison

Matters Arising:

  • Shelters – Still no reply from the Mangawhai Club. The following motion was put and carried:

That a letter be sent to the Mangawhai Club asking if they have a plan to repair the shelters.                                                                                N Howard/R Hollingsworth

 Bowls Clubs Signs – No photographs available of other clubs’ signs. G Mulligan to pursue the issue through Bowls New Zealand.

  • Magical Mangawhai Tournament – J Colvine to investigate whether a group may be prepared to run this tournament.



  • IRD – GST return.
  • For D Frame – Private communication.
  • Northland Centre – Receipt for Pennant fees.
  • Steve Shields – Request for nomination of representative to serve on Third Green Sub-Committee.
  • Steve Shields – Request that, when early opening of the bar is wanted, the Bar Manager be notified in good time.
  • Dr David Hassan – Offer of talk on skin cancer and free spot checks.
  • Allan Stebben – Resignation as Vice President and from the Amalgamation Sub-Committee. The following motion was put and carried:

That Allan Stebben’s resignation be accepted with regret and that he be thanked for his service.                                                                          R Hollingsworth/R Aitchison


  • All Members – Notification of Special General Meeting to be held on 6 November.

Moved that the inward be received and the outward approved.      N Howard/R Hollingsworth

Financial Report:

 Moved that the Financial Report be accepted.                              R Aitchison/R Hollingsworth

A new signatory will have to be appointed to replace A Stebben.

R Hollingsworth to approach Carol Neal to see whether “Cash in Hand” could be included in the financial report.

Moved that the accounts be approved for payment.                        N Howard/R Hollingsworth

Membership:  Richard Bull – reinstated

Peter Walls – accepted

Robert Henson – accepted

Brian Hagger – accepted

Match Committee Report:

  • Handicap Pairs – Postponed.
  • Two-Day Fours – Only 5 weeks away. Support needed, especially to raise teams.
  • Business House Bowls – Thorough preparation by committee. Due to start next week.
  • Wine for Prizes – G Mulligan to investigate further.

General Business:

  • The Lease – P Wightman suggested that there be a meeting with representatives of KDC to discuss possible ramifications of amalgamation on the lease. Our representatives should be R Hollingsworth, G Mulligan, P Wightman and the President of MWB or her nominee.  The following motion was put and carried:

 That P Wightman arrange this meeting.                                      G Mulligan/N Howard

  • Third Green Sub-Committee – It was felt that, with one exception, no member of Exec. has the expertise to make a meaningful contribution to this committee. P Wightman has both knowledge and experience.  He also has information on money owing from Tigerturf – money that could be put toward remediation.  We believe that we have common cause with the Mangawhai Club to solve this issue using a fresh or an existing idea and at a reasonable cost.  P Wightman will make a valuable contribution in this process and this will not be “conflicting with the past”.  Hence, the following motion was put and carried:

That Paul Wightman be nominated as Mangawhai Bowls’ representative on the Third Green Sub-Committee.                                                                R Aitchison/G Mulligan

  • Vice President – The following motion was put and carried:

That Jim Colvine be co-opted to fill the vacant position of Vice President of Mangawhai Bowls Inc.                                                       R Hollingsworth/G Mulligan

 Membership of Executive – With Treasurer and Secretary choosing to perform their duties while being outside Executive, the Executive is two members short.  R Hollingsworth felt it necessary to have a full complement on Executive.  This in no way reflects any criticism of Treasurer and Secretary – indeed their work is greatly appreciated.  The following motion was put and carried with one abstention:

 That Neville Franks and Dundee Henwood be co-opted to serve on Executive.

                                                                                            R Hollingsworth/G Mulligan

  • Maungaturoto Rotary Visit – The new organiser is Alex Tetzner. Perhaps N Franks could follow up on this.
  • Visiting Groups – It would appear that at least some of the visitors (possible a minimum of 20%) would have to be Club members – enabling them to sign in the rest of the group. This restriction has reduced possible visits.
  • Dr D Hassan – G Mulligan, with MWB, to follow up on his offer.
  • Andy and Sharleen – G Mulligan to discuss with MWB ways to show our appreciation.
  • Magical Mangawhai Tournament – There appears to be some misinformation regarding the finances of this tournament. J Colvine reported thus:

–  The 2016 tournament made a profit of $1963.96

–  The 2017 tournament had $1950 less sponsorship than the previous year. ($1000

from two major sponsors who did not renew and $950 donation from a number of

club member which was not sought again.

–  The Treasurer reported that the tournament account stands at $2505.39, giving the

2017 tournament a profit of $541.43.

–  This was achieved by the organisers receiving an additional $1000 sponsorship

from the Mangawhai Club Inc.


Next meeting:   Monday 13 November at 4.00 pm.

 Early warning:   The following meeting will be on Monday 5 December.


Meeting closed at 5.50 pm.


Allan StebbenOct 2017 Minutes