Mangawhai Bowls Inc

Minutes of Executive meeting held at 4.00 pm on 4 June 2018


Present:   G Mulligan, N Franks, D Henwood, J Colvine, R Aitchison.


Minutes of Previous Meeting:  Moved that they are a true and correct record.

R Aitchison/N Franks

Matters Arising:


  • Trophy Cabinet: The Mangawhai Club will carry out repairs and have a lock and top fitted.  Invoice is to be retained until that is complete.



  • NZ Post: Invoice for PO Box,
  • Bidfoods:
  • Four Square:
  • Vinco: Invoice for chalk.
  • IRD: GST return.
  • NZ Turf: Greenkeepers magazine.
  • George Lyddiard: Suggestion for Magical Mangawhai.  Gerry to respond.
  • Allan Stebben: Nomination for Life Membership.


  • Paul Wightman: Letter of thanks.
  • Sponsors of Recent Tournaments: Letters of thanks to Westmoreland Homes, Craig Matheson, Timber World, The Vet Centre, Mangawhai Village Four Square and The Mangawhai Club.

Moved that the inward be received and the outward confirmed.              N Franks/D Henwood


Financial Report:

 Moved that the Financial Report be accepted.                                         J Colvine/R Aitchison

Moved that the accounts be approved for payment.                                 G Mulligan/ N Franks


Match Committee:

  • Next Season’s Programme: J Colvine to convene a meeting with N Franks and G Mulligan to sketch out the programme.  Then meetings will be held with the Women to knit the programmes together and to prepare the booklet.
  • Magical Mangawhai: Was a great success, with 28 teams competing.  It was recommended to the new committee that an organising committee be formed soon, so that work can begin for next year.
  • Winter Bowls: Starting this Thursday, 7 June.  R Aitchison will source the prizes which will all be frozen.


General Business:

 Minutes of SGM: R Aitchison reported that the minutes had been circulated to members.

  • Life Membership: The Executive endorsed the nomination.

Annual General Meeting:

 Date: Sunday 24 June.

  • Nominations for Executive: To be called for forthwith.
  • Agenda: The following items are to be put before election of the new Executive:

Vice President’s Report

Financial Report for previous financial year.

Nomination of a Life Member.

  • Fees: Recommended to remain at $120 per member and $100 for a first year player.
  • President’s Honorarium. Recommended vouchers to a value not exceeding $1500.

These arrangements were decided in a joint meeting with the Executive of Mangawhai Women’s Bowls.

J Colvine thanked those present, “the last blokes standing”, for guiding Mangawhai Bowls through to the end of a very challenging season.


Next meeting:   Monday 9 July at 4.00 pm.                     


Meeting closed at 4.25 pm.

Allan StebbenJune 2018 Minutes