Mangawhai Bowls Inc

 Minutes of the Executive meeting held 5.30pm 13 March 2017

 Present: R Hollingsworth, A Stebben, J Colvine, N Howard, T Cornish, A Gibbs

Apologies: R Heaton

Minutes of the previous meeting 13 February:

These were taken as read and were confirmed            J Colvine/A Stebben

Matters arising:

  • Rink markers – AS has had a verbal response re installation but nothing has yet happened
  • Shelters – P Wightman advises that repair will be about $750. Suggested R Heaton & PW should talk to Gary Crosby about eliminating the diagonal roof support which is a hazard. Replace A Green shelters and salvage usable material for repair of B Green shelters
  • Web site – not much new information going into it at present but we have had 3000 hits so far
  • News Paper reports – Talk to Gerry Mulligan about taking this function over next year
  • First Aid course – John Ballard to resend member invitation to attend (Actioned)
  • Magical Mangawhai – Colin Pierce has this under action



  • Geoff Wood new member advising we would probably defer his full membership until the new season. (Application was approved and AG will follow up and advise c Neale re subscription.)
  • Donation thank you to W Yovich and G Lane
  • JC letter to Bowls Northland with copies to all Northland clubs re Club Champ seasonal programming


  • P Freeman thanking the committee for the $200 support provided to each member of the Fours travelling to Dunedin
  • Luke Malcolm re family group use of a green on Fri/Sat 7/8 April. AG to follow up after checking with C Wintle on details of Hikurangi visit to Mangawhai the same weekend
  • Authorisation to KDC for contract stabilising work on bank behind club building. AG has actioned this.
  • TS Bank tournament notice –placed on board
  • Club Vice President Nominations – 1 application so far. Applications close Friday 17. Bowls exec need to meet prior to 24 March to make a decision.
  • B Wright resignation from end of this season
  • Kiwi Sport Travel Fund. Not applicable to our membership


Moved that the inwards correspondence be accepted and the outwards confirmed                                      J Colvine/ A Stebben

Treasurers report:

  • Carol Neale’s report was received and 9 invoices approved for payment including the additional $63.60 to J Colvine for printing and postage R Hollingsworth/N Howard
  • AG to send thank you to Doug Somers-Edgar for $575 Junior Classics donation

Match Report:

  • President 4’s successful in spite of last round being abandoned due to rain
  • New member numbers are trending down which is reflected in tournament entry levels
  • Poynton Village visit on 18 March is same day as first day of Junior Singles but can be accommodated
  • 100 Up rescheduled to 19 March
  • Bus trip 20 march clashes with Umpires Assoc. Triples
  • Charity tournament 5 April needs promotion. Entry numbers may not be helped by the Warkworth visit here on 10 April
  • Forward planning for next years programme – Following last weeks meeting the following confirmed confirmed:
    • 2x4x2 Aim for February
    • 4 bowl pairs – change date
    • Hams & Lambs – 1 week earlier
    • Mixed pairs liaise with women over date change

R Hollingsworth/A Stebben

General Business:

  • A Stebben apologised for not being here for next months meeting
  • We need to start canvassing members for next years executive
  • Winter bowls N Howard will assist in running possibly with N Franks. Profits to be slit equally with women’s bowls
  • Coaching ends 14 March

Next meeting Tuesday 11 April as Warkworth visit is on Monday 10th.

There being no further business the meeting ended at 7.00pm




Allan StebbenMar 2017 Minutes