Minutes of meeting held at The Club Friday 11th January 2019 @ 4.00pm


D.Henwood, M. Guttenbeil, N.Price, R.Darrach, R.Heaton, J.Rutledge, J.Bottomley, J.Hollingsworth, R. Aitchison

Minutes of Previous Meeting:

Minutes of previous meeting held 10th December confirmed as true & correct record R.Darrach/R.Aitchison

Matters arising:

Ken McLeod has been advised that the date for Junior Club Singles cannot be changed. Junior Pairs final is to be played on 23/February Centre events to be discussed further.

Inwards Correspondence:

Bowls N.Z. censor questionnaire completed and to be posted mid January.

Letter received from John Wintle requesting permission to attend all of our meetings and be given a copy of minutes as a life member. Bowls N.Z. and Bowls Northland were contacted for confirmation of exactly what Life membership privileges were. The executive have been advised that the only privilege is that the person no longer has to pay a membership fee, it does not entitle them to copies of any other documentation presented at the meeting. So far as receiving a copy of the minutes at the same time as the executive, no member other than the executive, can be given a copy of the minutes until after they have been ratified the following month when a copy is put on noticeboard for all members to read. Should Mr Wintle want a copy then he may photocopy them. Raewyn to reply to John advising him of situation.

Ron Heaton put forward a motion that once minutes are ratified then copy is put on the noticeboard available for all members to read, information on date and time of next meeting appears in the minutes.

A progress report on the 3 r green was received from Paul Wightman. It related to a meeting held between John Merrick, Shane Stewart, Graham Bower and himself along with Spencer Myer from Turf Culture. Spencer is preparing a comprehensive report to present to the 3rd green sub-committee.

Outwards Correspondence:

Letter to Allan & Sue re new bowlers using coaching bowls on Club day. Jan to get 7 new keys cut for bowls shed.


Treasurer’s Report:

Following accounts passed for payment — Mangawhai Club/$565, Bidfood/$2407.23, 4Square/$455.95, Mangawhai Gift & Stationery/$29.96

Financial report confirmed and passed           N.Price/R.Darrach

Match Committee:

Jackie advised that the Ho Ho tournament was a good fun day. Ray White tournament — we had 2 full greens including a sponsor’s team. Junior Champ Singles was won by Christine Lineham. 17 teams for Club champ pairs.

Ron H — noticed that there was a big shortage of cups at the Hams & Lamb tournament, he will bring to Tina’s attention as it is possible the Club has loaned them out, need to clarify before more are purchased.

Ron is to have a meeting with Naomi Brown/Bidfood rep who looks after our account to ensure we are kept up-to-date with specials, discounts etc.

Champ of Champ change of dates — all members have been advised by Raewyn Non-Bowlers day — very successful

Charity Tournament April — this year to be held for Surf Lifesaving/Mangawhai

Front Club sign — full size to be erected at front entrance. Quote $450 approx + posts.

General Business:

Two new members confirmed — G.Moffatt/Pt Chevalier, K.D. Wintle.

Ray Aitchison confirmed no prizes required for the near future.

Jan asked if entry payment was made for the 7’s Tournament which was cancelled, have we received a refund from Northland

Ngare requested invoice for balance of shirts stock which now held at Bowling Club. Mona — kitchen roster for tournaments. Neville organises for men’s tournaments, Raewyn to e-mail members for volunteer to organise roster.

The Club:

Nil to report.

Northland Bowls:

Situation regarding issue with single players not providing “markers” for their tournament was raised at Northland’s meeting. Their Operations Committee is to come back to the Board with a recommendation to resolve the problem.

There being no further business to discuss, meeting closed at 5.45pm

Next meeting to be held Thursday 7th Feb @ 4.00pm

Allan StebbenJanuary 2019 Minutes