Mangawhai Bowls Inc
Minutes of Executive meeting held at 4.00 pm on 12 March 2018
Present: G Mulligan, P Wightman, R Hollingsworth, N Franks, D Henwood, J Colvine.
Apologies: R Aitchison.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Moved that they are a true and correct record.
J Colvine/N Franks
Matters Arising:
  • Membership Return: Done..
  • Kris Wintle: Thanks for donation to Women’s Sevens Team.
  • Contre: Invitation to President’s Day on Wednesday 28 March. Provisionally our team will be Len Lawrence, G Mulligan, N Franks and J Colvine.
  • Centre: Green hire on Sunday 15 April for Champion of Champion Singles.
  • Centre: Northland capitation to remain at $24.90.
  • Centre: Nominations called for Awards.
  • Molesworth Four Square: Invoices.
Outward: None.
Moved that the inward be received. N Franks/D Henwood
Financial Report:
Moved that the Financial Report be accepted. J Colvine/D Henwood
Moved that the accounts be approved for payment. N Franks/R Hollingsworth
New Members:
  • None. It was suggested that any prospective new member be advised to be a “Guest” for the balance of the season.
Match Committee:
  • President’s Tournament: A very late withdrawn reduced the field to 26. Change to any combination was well received with good response from Women Club Presidents.
Concern was expressed about the lunch.
  • Club Championship Junior Pairs: 24 March or 7 April suggested as suitable dates. N Franks to contact teams.
  • Handicap Pairs: N Franks and J Colvine to arrange a date.
General Business:
  • Meat Pack Prizes: N Franks to arrange prizes for the Charity Tournament through Maungaturoto Butcher.
  • Bowls NZ Capitation: The idea of $1500 per green is being floated.
  • Special General Meeting: On Friday 16 March, members are to be circulated with the Deed of Protocol, Twenty Five Point Summary and a Remit for the Meeting.
Next meeting: Monday 9 April at 4.00 pm.
Meeting closed at 5.30 pm.
Allan StebbenMar 2018 Minutes